Stories from our customers.
We're proud to supply horse and animal owners from around the world with the best supplements that support health and development. Read what some of our clients have told us about their experience.
“I have a Morgan mare, age 24, who I have had for 20 years. I spent hundreds of dollars on joint supplements to no avail. I started my mare on Lube-All and by the eighth day I could see an improvement with less stiffness. We are now able to return to our walks every evening.” Ms. G.
X-Ray after being treated with Lube All Plus

“I have competed in power lifting for over 30 years. I have tried many supplements and most are junk. Your Body Builder is by far the best. It delivers. My lifts are way up and my body fat lower than it has ever been. Anyone who wants to improve, and is not taking Body Builder, is wasting their time. I have been asked to endorse many products and your Body Builder is the only one I will. I have won state, national, and worlds, also set state, national, and world records, so I do know what I am talking about.” K.T.
“I am an owner, breeder, and handler of show pembroke welsh corgis. Sincerely, your Body Builder is extraordinary. I started with your product two years ago. My corgi bitch finished her American Championship in two weekends, over good dogs. She also won five all breed Best in Shows and several group ones. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, because this product was instrumental for making her a star!” J.A.
“For the past few years I have been using your product, Body Builder, on my brood mares.” E.H., DVM
“I began supplementing my horse with Body Builder at the suggestion of my fellow dressage competitors and my veterinarian. He has developed a marked improvement in his muscle tone along with increased stamina as a result of this supplement and a correct training program.
We have enjoyed much success in the show ring this year and I feel that Body Builder has been a vital component to his overall fitness and performance. I am comforted in knowing that Body Builder is a plant derivative which is safe and without side effects. With much enthusiasm, I have recommended Body Builder to several clients for their horses in training.
Thank you for your contribution to better equine health.” L.A.
Dear Equiade:
My Husband and I have been on your Lube-All Plus liquid joint solution for 30 days. After taking a teaspoon twice per day I had to take the time to let you know that I haven’t felt this much relief in years. We both have severe joint degeneration in the knees, hips, and I have old injuries from riding horses.After the 1st day I noticed less pain in my joints, and after the 3rd day I really started feeling better. It has been nice to finally find a product that works. I have tried everything under the sun, conventional and natural, with little result.
My husband is 71 years old and has had back surgery, and was considering knee replacement. I asked him to wait since I don’t like the idea of any surgeries for us, or our animals, and let me find something for us.
So now he plays golf 5 days a week. Getting out of bed without the moans and groans I usually listen to, that also has been great not to hear.Since my business is an all natural, horse and pet company we would like to distribute your products and help get the word out. This is the best joint product PERIOD!!!!!!
Thanks again for making such a high quality product.
Yours Truly.
Jan Warfel. Pres.
The Three Marketeers TM
Natural Horse & Pet Prod.
P.O. Box 770733
Ocala, FL 34477
Hello my name is Alex de Chaparral New Mexico. I have purchased your Body Builder supplement several times, but I never knew how well it works. The first time I used it was in a one-year old thoroughbred.
At two years old he looked quite developed. But the reason for this email is the transformation of my 7-year-old Red Devil Badger horse. When I received Diablo from his previous owner, he looked very bad (some said he was malnourished).
Diablo Before BodyBuilder
Diablo After 1 Month of BodyBuilder
Diablo After 2 Months of BodyBuilder
I bought Diablo on March 3, 2011, (the first photo), and I started using a bottle of Body Builder from the beginning. His diet consisted of two sheets of alfalfa, 3 pounds of grain (12% protein) twice a day, with a dose of Body Builder in the mornings only. The only other item that was used was a dewormer, 3 times in two months. I am very happy with the results of your Body Builder supplement and I think you are too. I only used one bottle and got amazing results.
Red Diablo Badger is a horse of great calm that has been taken to riding and working tracks.
Thank you for a great Body Builder supplement and I will use more of your products
Thank you,
Alex Parra